Monday, June 14, 2010

Turtle Hatching Story

Turtle Hatching Story,St. Regis Bali

On 9 June 2010 at 12.45 am, one of the St. Regis Bali security guards who was on duty at the beach found a sea turtle nesting. The turtle found its way from the water up to the front of our Strand Villa number 721 and decided to lay its eggs right there.

Being a rare incident and moment, the security guard called on the Duty Manager, Security Supervisor and Assistant Manager to witness for themselves this wonder of nature.

The turtle laid its eggs and very naturally headed back to the ocean and they assisted in releasing it into the Indian Ocean. They then searched for the eggs of the turtle and found approximately 14 eggs and secured them in the safe place and will monitor and take care of them. It will take approximately 37 days for the young turtles to hatch.

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