Monday, January 3, 2011

The Laguna Bali Resort supports the Elementary School – SDN No. 6 Benoa with a set of Nature and Environment Book Series.

Benoa by providing a set of Nature and Environment Book Series. 

The Laguna, a Luxury Collection Resort & Spa, Nusa Dua, Bali supports the Elementary School – SDN No. 6 Benoa by providing a set of Nature and Environment Book Series. The book presentation on Tuesday, 21 December 2010 presented by Human Resources Department on behalf of The Laguna Bali and was well received by the Head Master and Teachers of the school.

The book donation is part of the Starwood Cares “Care for Community” with the funds raised to the value of AUD 1,000 by FoodLink Pty Ltd Australia and officially presented by Mr. David Addison, the Managing Director of Avanti Event who organised the FoodLink event at The Laguna Bali last 28 October 2010. This gesture of goodwill by FoodLink Pty Ltd included text books and stationery to the SDN No. 6 Benoa, The Laguna’s mentoring school for the education of the children and is an intend of corporate social responsibility offering direct benefits to the children in the continued education.

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